What do you think it's for? You are five minutes late. You’re a reflection of me, and I absolutely care about me. Donna, we're going to need to streamline this. See, I don't know if you've noticed, but we're being sued for a $100 million. Pearson Litt. Louis, we're not exactly poor. I think that right now you and me and Louis should get in a room and smoke a peace pipe. If you fail in any of these areas, you will face Disciplinary action. What do you say-- you and me? Why do I need a psychological evaluation? (日本語字幕は、何分間に人間が読める文字量を考慮して字幕を付けているので、短縮されていることも多々あります。), ここからは、シーズン6 第1話の英語字幕を載せていきます。 One thing about everyone being gone we got the run of the place. Okay, good, because the truth is, I don't-. This woman had her life ripped apart. That's why one of my favorite pastimes is to listen to one of Louis's messages. Shit, they're trying to put us in the ground tonight. And the difference between you and them is they know they are. I hate to interrupt your "Breakfast Club" moment, but you need to sober up. Since you got the balls to ask that, I'm sure you're gonna find out soon enough. So you crouch your tiger, hide your dragon, or I'm gonna Wang Chung your ass out of here. And I can't stop thinking about him, and I'm not gonna be able to sleep unless I know that he's gonna be okay. Touch my stuff? I didn't-- You know, this used to be my desk. 法廷ドラマですが、ビジネスで使える語彙や表現が多いドラマ「 Suits/スーツ 」の英語解説です。学習方法も合わせて紹介します。, 速い英語に慣れたい方、ビジネスシーンでかっこよく使える英語を学びたい方、もちろん法律関係の英語を学びたい方に特におすすめです。, 当ブログの海外ドラマ記事で閲覧数 NO.1記事(リアルタイムランキングはサイドバー)です。スクリプトや英語字幕を求めて来られる方も多いので、多くの方が英語学習に取り入れている作品だと思います。, 初めて海外ドラマで学習を始める場合は発音から始めるのもおすすめです。チャプター1と2のみですが大量なので以降のチャプターにも対応できる基礎になるはずです。, › Suits / スーツ S1E1C1|英語が聞き取れる発音解説( 00:00 – 29:41 ). What I want to know right now is what we're all worth. Assuming Harvey doesn't shit the bed, we've got two hours to figure out how we're gonna serve every partner on this list. Because I didn't want to chain her to me if there was even the chance that she would regret it. フリーの字幕作成ソフトを使って便利で効果的な学習をしています。 I told you, we're never gonna get them back. All right, Louis, what do you think we should do, since it was your recommendation that landed us in this mess in the first place? If we're not back by the end of the month, I will call the board and resign from service myself. It sounds like you actually care about me. Louis, this is a team effort, and I swear to God, if you don't come through on this-. Ruth, Mike and I were supposed to be married today, but we weren't. No, brother, I know "Shawshank" because it's the greatest movie ever made. No, Jessica, it was gutted because of mine. まだシーン3?って思った方、飽きたわ〜と思った方には、 He probably doesn't have as much as we do, and it's a. This is hard work. We need people who think on their feet, I’m Rachel Zane. suits/スーツを英語字幕でみて学習する方法. And whether you were or weren't, once you start, you don't stop. And from this point on, we are all committing to giving this firm every ounce of blood, sweat, and tears we have. Louis I have put everything I have into keeping this firm afloat for as long as I can remember. We need to move the money that we have in every account by tomorrow. Because I don't know if you noticed, but this firm has been gutted because of your recommendation. Because you don't want to admit this whole thing is your fault in the first place. Because the federal penitentiary system says you do. と言えば「私のおごりです、私がおごります」という意味になります。覚えた表現は使うと記憶に定着しますが、使いすぎはサイフの中身に注意が必要ですね。, Some people have a thing for the uniform. You don't think he's gonna do that right now, do you? You wanted you wanted to know my net worth. Well, that's good, because I'm not here to say it. Well, that doesn't matter because we have a problem. You can delete whatever you want, but it's never really gone. And then somewhere along the way, you stop thinking about if they need a car, and you start thinking, "I need a car. " I don’t really care if you let me in or not. So you're saying, in this office, at any given moment, there's $100,000 hidden away. not another clone with a rod up his ass. You will keep your cell in a clean and sanitary condition. So, what, you're-- you're like a good guy or something? Yeah, but what college? I don’t. And I knew by the end of that first morning that he wasn't like anyone I'd ever met, and that if I wasn't careful, I was gonna be in trouble. You are looking at the best closer this city has ever seen. Oh, that's a tidy little sum you got there. You keep pressing until it hurts, I recommended that because it was a last-ditch effort to get Mike out of prison. so You might as well tell me what's on your mind. Okay, would you be able to tell me when I can see him? I'm talking about everyone, from the accountants to the secretaries to the guy who shines my shoes, Donna. (俺はクライアントに感情移入しない), ハーヴィらしいセリフですね。逆にマイクらしくクライアントを気遣う表現は care about the clients です。, This is on the firm. But I didn't come down here to play Pin the Blame on the Harvey. Unfortunately, we only hire from Harvard. What matters is, if we lose this suit, we can't handle the money. It's not the only inappropriate relationship I ever had. Whatever the hell you two are in the middle of, it's gonna have to wait, because secretaries may talk to secretaries, but liars talk to idiots. It starts long before I did what I did, because I wasn't born a poor black child, but I was born poor, which made me. Well, Mike, looks like we're gonna be sharing this little condo for a while, huh? No, and you got a problem with that, frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. General wake-up for all inmates is at 6:00 a.m. You will be standing next to your bed at that time. It was the most shameful night of my life. 詳細プロフィールはこちら, ITプロジェクトの英語(無料MP3音声付き) (ビジネスエキスパートEnglish), 発音やイントネーションをチェックして、同じように話せるようになるまで口に出して話す. So why the hell didn't you do it? Federal Correctional Institution, Danbury. …the reasonable inference of agency on behalf of the plaintiff, この字幕サイトは広告のポップアップウィンドウが開くことが多いですが、普通に閉じれば問題ありません。時々サーバーが落ちますがその場合は待ちます。登録は不要です。, 編集の違いによって内容が異なる字幕ファイルがありますが、2018年7月21日時点で tmcbox という Uploader のものは私が見た DVD と同じでした。字幕ファイルは動画プレイヤーで表示する以外にも字幕作成ソフトやテキストエディタで開いてセリフ(テキスト)を確認できます。, 無料の英語スクリプトは下記リンク先のスクリプトサイトのコピペになります。また、有料ですが Amazon にて Kindle 版が販売されています。, ›› https://subslikescript.com/series/Suits-1632701, Amazon にて Kindle 版のスクリプトが販売されています。なか見検索では私が見たものと比べて一部がカットされていますが(冒頭のジェシカとルイスの会話や賭けのシーンで確認)、セリフ毎に話者名がついて改行されているので流れを見失うことはないと思います。, 有料ではあるもののネットのスクリプトのようにコピペなどの手間がいらず、パソコンはもちろん特にスマホやタブレットで読みやすいメリットがあると思います。, 「 Suits 」シーズン1の予告編動画です。音質は良くありませんがドラマの全体を通じてこうした発音なので、スクリプトとともに確認してみてください。. And they won't be able to sue us for the money back because it'll already be gone. I can't stand it, but it's part of the family. Why, because of Mike? A 158. And I'm going to go home, pour myself a cold beer while you get settled in cell 42 on the south end of D block. 今日は『スーツ』が英語学習におすすめな理由を4つお話しします。 ... 途中、飽きを感じるのはしょうがないですが、それでもやるっきゃないですよね。あと、英語字幕があってもスクリプトは役立つと思 … If you're a fake lawyer, they had to give you a chance to turn on someone to get out of it. Then you'll have to go through the approval process. I'm trying to get you ready because you're weak. You call me down here for an emergency, and then you take the time to order Chinese food? What exactly have you two been doing the last half hour? Of course you know "Shawshank." Yes, because I wanted to know if he was okay. Because I, for one, would love to know exactly what you're doing.

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